Terms of service

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multibook Service Terms of Use

The Service User Company and Multibook Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider") are the parties to the Service User Company's use of the services stipulated in Article 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by the Service Provider Company. In this regard, I agree to the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use").

Article 1 (Purpose of Terms)

  • The purpose of these Terms of Use is to define the conditions necessary for the Service User to use the Service.
  • The Service Provider shall provide the Service to the Service User based on the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use, and the Service User shall pay the compensation.

Article 2 (Definition of this service)

  • Based on these Terms of Use, the Service provided by the Service Provider refers to the following services.
    • Service name: multibook
    • Service provider: Multibook Limited
    • Overview: Cloud-based ERP software service provided by Multibook Limited

Article 3 (Changes to Terms)

The service provider may change the contents of this agreement without obtaining the prior consent of the service user, and any changes to the agreement will be notified via the update information page within multibook.

Article 4 (Terms of use of this service)

  • The Service User may use the Service for its own internal business (including the subsidiaries of the Service User) within the scope of use stipulated in these Terms of Use.
  • The Service Provider may conduct the necessary investigation to confirm that the Service User is using the Service within the scope of use set forth in the preceding paragraph, and the Service User shall comply with such investigation.
  • If the Service User and the Service Provider wish to provide services not stipulated in these Terms of Use, the Service User and the Service Provider shall consult with each other and conclude a separate contract.
  • The Service User shall procure and configure the system operating environment (client PC, software, and access line) for operating multibook at its own responsibility and expense.

Article 5 (Prohibited matters)

  • Service users and service providers must not engage in the following acts.
    • The service user refers to the software of this service and develops or attempts to develop similar software, or any other act that infringes the intellectual property rights such as copyright of the service provider or a third party.
    • Acts of registering or attempting to register trademarks, etc. that are the same as or similar to the logo or product name of this service at the service user company. Acts that infringe on intellectual property rights such as trademark rights of service providers or third parties.
    • Acts of using this service for purposes that violate laws or public order and morals.
    • An act in which a service user uses this service provided by a service provider by impersonating the service provider or a third party.
    • Acts that unduly impede the use of this service by a service user, acts that impede the operation of this service by a service provider, or acts that are likely to do so.
    • Uploading harmful computer programs, etc. to the Service provided by the service provider, or any act that may pose the risk of doing so.
    • Acts of altering or erasing information through the use of this service.
    • Acts of causing one's own officers/employees, contractors of service users, or third parties to perform any of the above acts.
    • Acts of using the user ID or user password of another contractor or user of this service
    • Actions where multiple people share the same user ID or user password (this is not limited to so-called multiple logins are prohibited).

Article 6 (Responsibility for managing ID, etc.)

If the service user receives an ID and password necessary for using this service from the service provider, the service user shall be responsible for the use and management of the ID and password. The service provider shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the service user due to use by a third party.

Article 7 (Handling of confidential information)

  • The Service User and Service Provider shall handle information designated as confidential by the other party (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information") in accordance with the provisions of the following items.
    • The information shall be kept confidential and will be provided to a third party (excluding a third party to whom the service provider entrusts the performance of this service based on the provisions of Article 20) without the prior written consent of the other party. Do not disclose. However, the Service User Company may disclose the Service Provider's confidential information to the officers and employees of the Service User Company's subsidiaries who use the Service within the scope of the purpose of these Terms of Use.
    • Use only within the scope of these Terms of Use.
    • After the termination of these Terms of Use or if requested by the other party, you must promptly return it to the other party or delete it at your own responsibility.
  • The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to information that falls under any of the following items.
    • Information already in the receiving party's possession prior to disclosure by the other party.
    • Information independently developed by the Receiving Party without relying on Confidential Information disclosed by the other party.
    • Publicly known information.
    • Information that the receiving party has legitimately obtained from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality.
    • Information requested to be disclosed by a competent government office.
  • The provisions of paragraph 1 and the preceding paragraph shall remain in effect even after the termination of these Terms of Use.

Article 8 (Service usage fees, etc.)

  • The Service User will pay the following usage fees and expenses (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Usage Fee, etc.") to the Service Provider in accordance with the "Purchase Order" as consideration for receiving the provision of the Service.
    • This service usage fee
    • Environment construction costs when introducing this service
    • Support costs when introducing this service
  • The service provider shall issue an invoice to the service user company for the various fees listed in (1) and (2) in the preceding paragraph by the last day of the month in which the service starts to be used. Payment shall be made to the bank account designated by the service provider by the last day of the following month. Regarding (3), the service provider will issue an invoice by the last day of the month in which the support work is completed, and the service user will pay the invoice to the bank account specified by the service provider by the last day of the month following the month in which the support work is completed. shall be transferred to. The transfer fee shall be borne by the company using the service.
  • If these Terms of Use are extended pursuant to the proviso of Article 17, Paragraph 1, the service provider shall notify the service user of the updated service usage fee at the end of the month two months before the renewal month. The Service User shall issue an invoice and pay the Service Provider the amount stated on the invoice by the last day of the month preceding the renewal month using the method specified by the Service Provider. The payment fee shall be borne by the company using the service.

Article 9 (Changes to service usage fees)

If the service usage fees, etc. become inappropriate due to changes in economic conditions, taxes and public dues, etc., and a change becomes necessary, the service usage fees, etc. may be changed after consultation with the service user and the service provider. .

Article 10 (Temporary suspension of this service due to maintenance, etc.)

  • If any of the following items apply, the service provider may temporarily suspend this service by notifying the service user at least two weeks in advance on the update information page within multibook. can.
    • When it is necessary to perform maintenance, construction, troubleshooting, etc. on equipment necessary for providing this service.
    • When a telecommunications carrier discontinues the provision of telecommunications services
    • Planned suspension due to upgrade of this service, etc.
    • Other times deemed necessary by the service provider

Article 11 (Temporary suspension of this service due to force majeure)

  • The service provider may temporarily suspend this service if any of the following items apply, and after such suspension, the service provider shall notify the service user by e-mail without delay.
  • If this service is suspended due to force majeure such as a natural disaster, war, riot, terrorism, rebellion, fire, or outbreak of an infectious disease.
  • If a failure occurs due to an event not related to the service provider's product running on the server (server, storage, network, OS, other software, etc.)
  • In the event of a service suspension due to a notification from a cloud computing service provider affiliated with the service provider, or due to an event other than the service provider.
  • In the case of temporary suspension of this service pursuant to the preceding article and this article, the service user will be exempted from the obligation to pay service usage fees, etc., depending on the period of suspension.

Article 12 (Measures when restoring/resuming this service)

  • If the Service is suspended and the Service Provider requests the necessary cooperation from the Service User to restart it, the Service User shall promptly respond to this request.
  • In the event that all or part of the Service becomes unusable due to a functional failure of the Service, the Service Provider shall take the following measures for early recovery.
    • Information disclosure
      As soon as the service provider becomes aware of the functional failure, the service provider shall promptly respond to restoration work, including (1) the details of the functional failure, (2) the cause of the functional failure, (3) the period during which this service will be unavailable or the expected restoration time, and (4) Regarding the status of compliance, information will be disclosed from time to time in the updated information in multibook.
    • How to contact us
      Service users can ask individual questions regarding the functional disorder using the inquiry form. In addition, regarding questions that are common to other service users, the service provider shall respond to the questions in the updated information in multibook instead of responding to individual questions. .

Article 13 (Abolition of this service)

If the service provider notifies the service user in writing or by e-mail that the service will be discontinued at least six months in advance of the date on which the service is discontinued (hereinafter referred to as the "service discontinuation date"), the service The Provider may discontinue this service and cancel all or part of these Terms of Use as of the service discontinuation date.

Article 14 (Handling of data)

  • The Service Provider shall manage server data with the utmost care during the effective period of these Terms of Use.
  • Upon termination of these Terms of Use, the Service User shall, at its own responsibility and expense, download and obtain the data registered and saved in the Service Provider's service environment as necessary. Furthermore, after the termination of these Terms of Use, you will not be able to refer to, view, manipulate, obtain, etc. any data that was registered and saved in the service environment of the service provider before the termination.
  • The Service Provider will delete all data stored within the Service, excluding log data, within two months after the termination of these Terms of Use.

Article 15 (Scope of responsibility of service provider)

  • In the event that all or part of the service provider's server data is lost and the cause falls under any of the following items, the service provider shall not be responsible for the loss.
    • When the occurrence occurs due to a service provided by a server provider.
    • When it occurs intentionally or due to negligence on the part of the server provider
    • When this occurs due to a telecommunications carrier discontinuing the provision of telecommunications services.
    • When the problem occurs due to a problem in the client environment or the client software.
    • When the problem occurs due to software that is not compatible with the service provider's product running on the server.
    • When server data is deleted based on the preceding article
    • When natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and storms occur, outbreaks of infectious diseases, wars, civil disturbances, riots, and other force majeure events.
    • When it occurs due to other reasons not attributable to the service provider.
  • In addition to the preceding paragraphs, the service provider does not provide any guarantee that the following items will be met, and will not be held liable for any damages caused to the service user due to the failure to meet these items. shall not be held responsible.
    • This service is compatible with the specific purpose and use of the company using the service.
    • Communication using the access line is performed normally.
    • The client environment or client software must operate normally.
    • The server must respond within a certain amount of time to inquiries or processing requests from clients.

Article 16 (Compensation for damages/disclaimer)

  • In the event that the service user suffers damage due to an event attributable to the service provider regarding the performance of these Terms of Use, the service user will notify the service provider that the service user has suffered damage as a direct result of the cause. Only ordinary damages incurred may be claimed for compensation up to the amount specified in the following paragraph.
  • The maximum amount of damages stipulated in the main text of the preceding paragraph shall be the amount equivalent to the usage fees for this service for the six months prior to the time when the damage occurred, out of the usage fees paid by the service user to the service provider.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, damages arising from communication line failures, intentional or negligent reasons on the part of the service user, or other reasons not attributable to the service provider (including cases under Articles 10 and 11) The service provider shall not be liable for any damages, regardless of the cause of the claim.

Article 17 (Contract period/midterm cancellation)

  • The term of validity of these Terms of Use shall be one year from the date of conclusion of these Terms of Use. However, unless either the service user or the service provider provides written notice of termination of these Terms of Use by the end of the month three months prior to the month in which the contract term expires, the term will be extended for an additional one year. and the same shall apply hereafter.
  • If the service user wishes to cancel these Terms of Use midway, the service provider shall notify the service provider of the suspension of use in writing.
  • If the Service User cancels these Terms of Use mid-term based on the preceding paragraph, the Service User may not request the Service Provider to refund the service usage fees, etc. that have already been paid as described in Article 8.

Article 18 (Exclusion of anti-social forces)

  • The service user company and the service provider company are the other party and their representatives, officers (meaning employees who execute business, directors, executive officers, or persons equivalent to these), and persons who are deemed to be substantially involved in management. If any of the following items apply, all contracts concluded between the service user and the service provider may be canceled without any notice.
    • Recognized as belonging to organized crime groups, organized crime group members, associate members of organized crime groups, related to organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, etc., social movement thugs, special intelligence violent groups, and other anti-social forces (hereinafter collectively referred to as "anti-social forces"). when you are
    • When it is recognized that anti-social forces are being used
    • When it is recognized that the person is involved in providing funds, etc. or providing convenience to anti-social forces.
    • When you have a socially reprehensible relationship with antisocial forces
    • When a person commits the following acts against the other party or a person related to the other party, either by himself or by using a third party:
      • violent demands
      • Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility
      • Acts of threatening behavior or using violence regarding transactions
      • Acts of spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or force to damage the credibility of the other party, or disrupting the other party's business.
      • Other acts similar to the previous items
  • If the service user company and the service provider company cancel these Terms of Use pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the other party shall compensate the other party for the damages. The amount of compensation shall be determined through consultation between the service user and the service provider. However, a person who has canceled these Terms of Use shall not make any claim against the other party for any damages caused by the cancellation.

Article 19 (Cancellation)

  • The service user or service provider may immediately cancel these Terms of Use without prior notice if the other party falls under any of the following items.
    • In the event of violation of these Terms of Use and failure to make corrections within a reasonable period of time despite receiving a demand for correction;
    • When a person files a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, or corporate reorganization, or when a third party files a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, or corporate reorganization.
    • When the property is subject to compulsory execution such as seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, etc.
    • When a resolution is made for dissolution, merger, or transfer of all or a significant part of business.
    • When the business condition has deteriorated or there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is a risk of it worsening.
    • When receiving a disposition for delinquent taxes and public dues
    • In the case of violation of the prohibited items stipulated in Article 5
    • When it is discovered that the other party or the other party's representative, person in charge, or their outsourced party is an anti-social force.
    • When a person engages in violent acts, threatening statements, acts that damage the honor or credibility of the service provider, or acts that interfere with the service provider's business towards the other party.
  • If the Service Provider falls under any of the following items, the Service Provider may immediately terminate these Terms of Use without prior notice to the Service User.
    • When the payment stipulated in Article 8 is delayed for more than 3 months from the specified payment deadline

Article 20 (Outsourcing to a third party)

The Service Provider may entrust to a third party the work necessary to fulfill these Terms of Use. However, the service provider shall ensure that its subcontractors comply with the same obligations as the service provider under these Terms of Use, and the service provider shall ensure that its subcontractors comply with all obligations related to the execution of the services of the subcontractors. shall be responsible for their actions.

Article 21 (Non-regulatory matters)

In the event that any matter not stipulated in these Terms of Use arises, or if any doubt arises regarding the interpretation of each provision of these Terms of Use, it shall be resolved in good faith through consultation between the service user and the service provider.

Article 22 (Governing law and agreed jurisdiction)

  • The validity, interpretation, and performance of these Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese law.
  • For any disputes regarding these Terms of Use, the Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

Revision history

  • Established December 29, 2015
  • Revised/applied on June 17, 2022
  • Revised/applied on August 16, 2022
  • Revised/applied on October 5, 2022

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