
Accounting Features

Below are the main accounting features included in multibook.

  • recording feature screen

    Easy-to-Use Journal entry with Dr./Cr. display

  • suspense journal slip entry update screen

    Approve remotely  by Evidence attachment feature

  • Group Financial Statement screen

    Group Financial Statement feature allows side-by-side Comparison of Multiple Locations

  • Inquire AR Details screen

    Easy management of the Delayed income payment
    Grasp details by invoice

Logistics Features

  • recording feature screen

    Display Inventory Quantity and Amount 
    in Real time

  • suspense journal slip entry update screen

    Easily Create your own Invoice Format

  • Group Financial Statement screen

    Display Sales, COGS, and​Gross Profit by Item, Customer in Real time

  • Inquire AR Details screen

    Easily Post 2 documents at one time

    (Goods Issue and Invoice)
    (Goods Receipt and AP)

Other features

multibook Feature List

1.  Diverse and Efficient Journal Entry methods

multibook offers numerous methods for Posting journals. Record accounting documents efficiently with the method that is most
appropriate for each task.

Main Feature Overview Example
Screen Input ACGL110 Enter Journal Document ACGL115 Enter
Journal Document (Dr./Cr.)
Items are immediately journalized and reflected on balance and receivables and payables upon recording. Only one accounting staff
ACSP120 Update Suspense Journal Journalize through a record-approve-post process. Account titles, amounts, etc. can be revised until posted. Operation which requires the approval of an accounting manager before posting
ACAR110 Clear AR and AP Used when accounts receivable/payable are settled (receipt/payment). Select the relevant receivable/payable statement and manually enter the corresponding account’s cash and deposits statement to finish the entry. When settling accounts receivable/payable
ACGL160 Reverse Document Reversal entries are made with this feature when mistakes are found after posting. When there is a mistake in the entry
EXCEL Upload
ACGL120 Journal Document Excel Upload Record entries in a fixed Excel format (downloaded from manual site) and upload to record multiple entries at once. Salary, distribution, multiple statements, recurring entry
EXAC210 Journal Documents General Upload Same as Accounting Document Upload, however, the format can be set with Master. Uploading entries from external systems
EXAC220 Suspense Journal Documents General Upload Same as General Accounting Document Upload, however, entries are saved as provisional documents upon upload; thus, they are posted after final confirmation with the Provisional Document Update feature. Uploading entries from external systems
Automatic  Recording Automatic Recording from Logistics, Fixed Assets, and Expenses Calculation Module
Accounting entries are automatically recorded simultaneously with document registration of logistics storage and shipment, invoicing, supplier invoicing, valuation change, acquisition of fixed assets, retirement, and sales. Dual input is not necessary. Automatic journalization within multibook
Provisional Document Record API Automatically record provisional documents to multibook from other systems such as production management. Uploading entries from external systems
Scanner Upload Upload vouchers to multibook with a scanner to create provisional documents with voucher PDFs. Journalization by an accounting firm

2.  Plenty of Inquiry and Report features

Multibook offers numerous balance confirmation and report features. Lists can also be downloaded as an EXCEL file with the click of a button.

Main Feature Overview
General Accounting ACGL140 Inquire Journal Document See individual accounting documents.
ACGL150 Journal Voucher Print entered accounting documents as vouchers.
ACGL210 Inquire GL Balance See account title balance and expenses incurred by client, department, segment, currency, etc. Drill down to account details to see a breakdown of expenses incurred.
ACGL250 Inquire General Ledger General Ledger Mode and Journal Mode. Use for account balance breakdown confirmation and filtered entry list searches.
ACGL410 Journal Print journal.
ACGL450 General Ledger Print general ledger. Select Excel List output mode to download in an Excel-friendly format.
ACGL510 Tax List Download details concerning VAT.
ACGL620 Financial Statement Output Output BS, PL, and trial balance. Multiple formats for BS/PL can be configured in Master. Select from PDF or EXCEL output. For EXCEL output, the monthly transition for the year in concern up to the selected month will also be displayed.
ACGL280 Inquire Financial Statement See BS/PL monthly transitions. Use the drill down feature to see consisting documents.
ACGL640 Cash Flow Statement (Direct) Output direct method cash flow statements. Format and calculation formulas can be defined in Master.
Business Management ACGL810 Group Financial Statement See group companies’ BS/PL side by side. Drill down to see individual documents. Confirm PL/BS items’ notes (reason for sales numbers, etc.) updated with the balance status feature below.
ACGL820 Balance Status Local overseas subsidiary accounting staff enter PL/BS notes (reason for sales numbers, etc.).
ACGL830 Balance Status, Financial Statement Approval Local overseas subsidiary CFO and accounting manager confirm (approve) the month’s PL and BS.
ACCO110 Maintain Allocation Rule Configure settings for allocation for departments and DReserve1 (projects, etc.).
ACCO120 Allocation Perform allocation for departments and DReserve1 (projects, etc.).
ACGL710 Financial Statement by Department Output by-department PL.
ACGL720 PL by D.Spare 1 Output by-DReserve1 PL (use assigned to projects etc.).
ACBU110 Budget Update Download results from past years → Revise according to the next year’s guidelines → Update budget through upload. You may set multiple budgets with budget versions.
Account Receivable Management /
Account Payable Management /
Cash Management
Receivables Management, Payables Management, cash flow ACAR210 Inquire AR Balance See balance as of a specified date by account title (accounts receivable, credit accounts), by client.
ACAR250 Inquire AR Details See unsettled receivables details (invoice) as of the designated date. Check overdue receivables.
ACAR260 Receivables Aging List Confirmation See aging of receivables — when receivables of a specified date occurred.
ACAR310 AR Ledger Output regular client ledgers.
ACAP210 Inquire AP Balance See balance as of a specified date by account title (accounts receivable, credit accounts), by client.
ACAP250 Inquire AP Details See unsettled payables details (invoice) as of the designated date.
ACAP310 AP Ledger Output supplier ledgers.
ACGL260 Inquire Cash Flow Forecast See cash management prediction from the day of (or previous day) by bank account based on expected dates of receivables and payables. Expected transactions that have not been recorded may be separately registered and reflected in the concerned cash management prediction.
Fixed Assets FACM310 Fixed Asset Ledger Outputs ledgers by asset number.
FACM320 Inquire FA Document See a list of fixed asset transaction (acquisition, disposal, sale, etc.) documents that match conditions.
FACM330 Inquire Depreciation Detail See a list of depreciation documents.
FACM340 Depreciation Plan See depreciation of one, two, and three years in the future.
Logistics SLSO130 Inquire Sales Order Document See a list of sales order documents and individual documents. Also see backlog.
SLPU130 Inquire Purchase Order Document See a list of purchase order documents and individual documents. Also see outstanding orders.
SLPU140 Purchase Order Output purchase orders for suppliers.
SLMM210 Stock Ledger Output inventory receipts and payment ledgers.
SLMM220 Inquire Inventory Quantity and Balance See inventory quantity and balance by-item, by-site, by-storage-location, by-lot, etc.
SLMM230 Inquire Item Movement Document See storage and shipment document list and individual documents. Also see backlog.
SLMM250 Goods Issue Voucher Output shipment documents as vouchers. Used as shipping instructions.
SLSA120 Inquire Invoice Document See invoice document list and individual documents. Also see backlog.
SLSA130 Invoice Output invoices for regular clients.
SLVI120 Inquire Vendor Invoice Document See vendor invoice document (accounts payable documents) list and individual documents.

Country-Specific Requirement

Compliance with Legal and Accounting requirements in each country.

multibook supports the requirements of each country (added and improved daily).

Example or Thailand PP30 (VAT Declaration) Report

Example or Thailand PP30 (VAT Declaration) Report
Main Feature Overview
Country Specific ACTH110 Withholding Tax PND Reports Output withholding tax declaration report for Thailand.
ACTH130 PP30 Output VAT declaration reports for Thailand.
ACTH140 Invoice/Tax Invoice/OR Output tax invoices and official receipts for Thailand.
ACTH150 Print Receipt for Plural Invoices Output official receipts for multiple invoice payment for Thailand.
ACTH160 Billing Note Outputs billing note for Thailand.
SLTH110 Stock Card Output stock cards (inventory receipt and payment ledger) required in Thailand.
SLSA140 Credit/Debit Note Output credit notes and debit notes for Thailand.
ACTH170 Bank Interface Create transfer data for Thailand.
Automatic Acquisition of BOT Rates Automatically acquire exchange rates issued by Central Bank of Thailand.
ACPH110 Invoice Output general invoices for overseas, for example, the Philippines.
ACPH120 Official Receipt Output official receipts for overseas, for example, the Philippines.
ACVN110 Journal Voucher for Vietnam Output accounting document vouchers for Vietnam.
ACEU120 EC Sales List Output tax declaration reports for Europe.
ACEU110 Automatic Payment for SCT Format Create transfer data for Europe.
ACJP110 Automatic Payment for Zenginkyo(全銀協) Format Create FB Transfer Data for Japan.

Discover what you can achieve with multibook.